Tweet So I was having a conversation with my friend’s six year old who was very excited about spending his $100.00 bill. You know, the one he received on 100’s day at school. Unfortunately it was play money. He was mightily disappointed to learn it was no good to him and his shopping extravaganza would […]
Tweet If you are a working Mom you will know what I’m talking about. Especially if your a single Mom raising your children on your own. This week my daughter had to be at school early each day. I’ve learned through experience that the morning routine runs much more smoothly for everyone if I’m up […]
Tweet Kids and Money. My parents used to say,” kids are expensive”. I thought they were exaggerating until I had three of my own. Then I got divorced and living within my means became difficult. The basics were sometimes out of reach and extras were frequently out of the question. The hardest part for me […]
Tweet I’ve never been much on New Year’s resolutions. Good intentions seem to fizzle out, oh say, around January 15th. I am, however, a big fan of annual goal setting. It prevents me from wandering around aimlessly during the year which I have been known to do on more than one occasion. Ultimately, without some […]
Tweet As if these economically challenging economic times weren’t enough, a divorce can really necessitate doubling down on expenses. Changing buying and spending habits will not only benefit your bank balance but will also teach your children good money habits that will follow them into adulthood. I’ve put together a list of money saving tips […]
Tweet I did something this weekend that previously went in my ” I could never do that” file. I ran a half marathon and in less than my goal time no less. I was beaming when I crossed the finish line, as my oldest daughter, who had just finished her first half as well , […]
Tweet In the midst of a life change it’s easy to find ourselves stuck having no idea how to get unstuck. During a recent career outplacement workshop, I noticed there was much more going on in the room than just than discussion about updating resumes, networking strategies and job postings. Spending a significant amount of […]
Tweet Ironically, when I finished writing this post the unthinkable happened. In the throes of writing, I did not notice I had lost my Internet connection. When I hit save, I lost my blog copy. Hours of work gone with a quick click of a button. Needless to say, my day was filled with the […]
Tweet What is your relationship with money? Money is an emotionally charged word in any language. We love it when we have it and hate it when we don’t! From a logical point of view it’s a simply a form of exchange. In your own mind it’s probably so much more. It’s meaning is frequently […]
Tweet No one can go back and make a brand new start, my friend, but anyone can start from here and make a brand new end. ~ Dan Zadra Welcome to After the Alimony! After the Alimony is here to help ease you through the transition of divorce and provides tips and insights you might […]