Money Saving Tips for Trying Economic Times
As if these economically challenging economic times weren’t enough, a divorce can really necessitate doubling down on expenses. Changing buying and spending habits will not only benefit your bank balance but will also teach your children good money habits that will follow them into adulthood. I’ve put together a list of money saving tips below.
1. Reduce impulse buying. Make a shopping list and stick to it.
2. Don’t go to the grocery store hungry.
3. Clip Coupons. Visit www.couponmom.com or www.mygrocerydeals.com for more information on couponing.
4. Cook at home. Plan ahead and prepare a crock pot meal on impossibly busy days.
5. Buy generic food brands. You will have to experiment to find what works for you. Brand name ketchup may be worth the additional expense but many other generic items are a great way to save.
6. Buy in bulk.
7. Reduce waste. Shop for groceries more frequently buying only what you need for a few days.
8. Buy a refillable stainless water container and make your own bottled water.
9. Make your coffee.
10. Brown bag it.
11. Drive less. Plan your errands ahead of time. It will save miles, gas and time.
12. Drive slower. You can lose up to 5mpg in fuel efficiency for every 10 miles you drive over over 55mph.
13. Idling for more than a minute? Turn off your engine and save up to 19% on fuel costs.
14. Keep your tire properly inflated. This saves gas and keeps your safe.
15. Keep your front tires properly aligned. Tires that are not in alignment will cause excessive wear and they will need to be replaced prematurely.
16. Get a second opinion when getting your car repaired. I myself was told I needed new brakes when getting an oil change and shopped the price over the phone. I received two additional quotes that would save me at least $50.00 off of the initial quote. When I took the car in for repair I was told that I did not need brakes at all! That garage has my business for life!!
17. Buy generic over-the -counter medications.
18. Ask you Dr. to write you a three month prescription for your routine meds. Fill them all at once saving you two additional co-pays.
19. Bundle your insurance, (auto,home,etc.) to reduce your premiums.
20. Increase your insurance deductibles and watch your premiums fall.
21. Switch from whole or variable life insurance policy to a term policy. Most likely a requirement of your divorce, if you have children, will include carrying some amount of life insurance. If you have a whole or variable policy you could use the cash value to pay off debt and buy less expensive term instead.
22. Unplug electronic chargers and appliances when not in use.
23. Turn off your computer monitor when not in use.
24. Turn off lights when you leave the room.
25. Install a programmable thermostat.
26. Turn your heat down to 50,55,or 60, dependent on how well your pipes are insulated, while you sleep and when you leave for work for the day.
27. Replace all of your regular light bulbs with florescent bulbs.
28. Avoid buying “dry clean only” clothing.
29. Use the library.
30. If the library doesn’t have your title try www.swap.com or amazon.com.
31. Buy used on ebay or craigslist. Word of caution about craigslist always take someone with you to make purchase and meet in a public place if possible.
32. Buy giftcards at a discount. Try www.plasticjungle.com or www.giftcardrescue.com.
33. Buy used text books.
34. Make a bill calendar to organize monthly payments and eliminate late fees and higher credit card interest rates.
35. Refinance and/or consolidate debt.
36. Make an extra house payment each year. Be sure to indicate that the entire payment be allocated to principal on you payment coupon.
37. Eliminate your land line.
38. Consider bundling your cell phone, land line, cable or satellite, and internet services.
39. Eliminate unnecessary premium channels.
40. Before you buy ask yourself why.
These are only a few suggestions. I would love to hear more from you.
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